About Perch Houses

For women 55+, we believe that an affordable place to live in a great location surrounded by nice people isn't too much to ask for.

"Shared living models not only solve challenges like affordable and accessible housing, but they also become dynamic places where companionship, shared experiences, and mutual support can thrive."

Amie Clark BSW, Founder of TheSeniorList.com

Who is Perch Houses for?

For single women 55+

If you're a 55+ woman ready to join the movement of women living better, if you're seeking affordable living and community, but still want to live in a beautiful home in an incredible community, then Perch Houses is for you.

For Property Owners

If you're a property owner who wants to maximize your real estate investment with less hassle while helping an important population, then Perch Houses is for you.

Our Background

Perch Houses was founded by Wing Pepper and Kyle Sobus. While working at a Washington DC Venture Capital Studio we decided to address the problems of housing affordability and social isolation for people 55+. We’ve conducted extensive research with consumers, real estate developers, and advisors from academia and healthcare.